

Since the beginning of March, the Russian army has been bombing residential areas, schools and hospitals

Why is it doing that ? Because this is all the Russian army knows how to do. It is their ruthless method, and the only one they know to defeat their adversary. As a Western European, I am appalled at the horrible spectacle of the innocent people who live in my part of earth, who share my culture, being crushed by a brainless military machine with an inordinate power.

In Western Europe, there are diversified, uncensored media and information sources, which bring different angles to the information, including points of view that relay Putin’s policy with benevolence. But this war is decried by all without a single exception. It is indefensible.

Its reality is indisputable: the Russian army is summoned by its leaders, hiding it from their people, to kill children, women, and fragile people, with the only aim of tracing a safe path for the military to depose the elected Ukrainian power.

Fury, the second part of my artistic work on the war on my European land, is addressed in particular to the Russians to tell them the love and forgiveness of a European who did not experience the war, who did not attend the fall of the USSR, who, like all those of her generation saw Russia as a land of culture and opportunity for human encounters.

It is shown in a residential area, like the war is now occuring in the main cities of Urkaine.

I beg them to do everything in their power, with courage, to stop their own damnation in front of humanity, its courts and our common God.


Полюби врага своего, как самого себя.

FR : Aime ton ennemi comme toi-même

EN : Love your ennemy as yourself


Жизнь – лишь рассказ, Что нам дурак поведал с лишним шумом, А смысла – ни на грош

FR : Une histoire dite par un idiot, pleine de bruit et de fureur, et qui ne signifie rien

EN : A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing

(Shakespeare - Mac Beth)


То что сопротивляется - это реальность

FR : Le réel, c'est ce qui résiste

EN : Reality is what resists


Оставь осуждение ради мечтаний

FR : Quitte ce qui juge pour ce qui rêve

EN : Leave judgement for dreaming


Каждый новый день, это счастливейший день моей жизни.

FR : Chaque jour est le plus beau jour de ma vie

EN : Every day is the happiest day of my life


Сделай революцию в себе самом.

FR : Sois ta propre révolution

EN : Be your own revolution