In my country, France, fraternity is one of the three values of our Republic, after liberty and equality. The French language is strongly gendered. "fraternité" is a feminine word to designate brothers. Strange ambiguity. It has always seemed to me that the male domination of human societies has led us to the disaster that is humanity today, as our almost all-male leaders continue unabashedly to promote infinite conquest and growth in a world that is stubbornly finite. We're racing, ever faster and with panache, against the wall of our paradise.

Here, I've imagined a variation on sorority. Oh, nothing very complicated or profound. I started by writing "/imagine" and then put down a few lines about the images that appeared and their variants. I spent a lot of time fine-tuning the colors, adding expressions to the faces, creating thickness to the image. Two sisters, like two intertwined particles, taking care of each other and each other.