"ME WE" is an exhibition conceived in response to a particularly challenging request from Hermes Kondor. Hermes honored me by selecting me as one of the first five artists to showcase their work at the inauguration of his museum, situated within the newly established Kondor Art Center—a virtual rendition of the renowned Calouste Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon.

The venue is magnificent. This expertly crafted virtual structure radiates the same noble, dense, and silent ambiance one experiences in the real-world's prestigious museums.

The exhibition is set to span four months. I've chosen to present a recent collection of works that delve into the current dynamics between the individual ("me") and society ("we"). For now, I've created several pieces and selected ten for this exhibition. I'm considering rotating the images over the next few months to infuse the exhibition with a sense of dynamism.

To me, the tumultuous and chaotic interplay between "me" and "we" in contemporary times represents one of the most alarming indicators of the malaise within Western societies. I'm convinced that if totalitarian regimes were not restrained by state-imposed violence, we would observe similar patterns.

When society succumbs to its own tensions, the “me” and the “we” take side roads, every man for himself, The world splits into two parallel worlds, staring at each other in disbelief without understanding each other.

Scientists have observed that when a body dies, the cells panic and send out signals of despair before shutting down. I refuse to accept this, it indignifies me.

__Milena Carbone