They wrote about "No Exit"

The pictures of this exhibition are taken from the stream of images I regularly need to produce for myself. Dido Haas, the owner of the Nitroglobus gallery, selected them and pointed out to me that there were always two characters in each image. I immediately thought of the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre's play "No exit" (“Huis clos” in french).

It is a huis clos between three people that nothing connects but the fact of being there, locked together in the same closed space. Through this play, Sartre explicitly tells us: "Hell is the others". We are all the other of someone else, locked in an illusory room and a fiction, a theater. So hell is ourselves. My images are perhaps yet another  testimony of this belief.



Contemporary culture is essentially composed of emptiness. Style is king, meaning is hollow. I'm not interested in that anymore. Style, for me, is the result of the place, the tools and materials available where the work is produced. That's why, for some time now, I've been using the Second Life universe as the only element of style, almost without retouching, and without filters.  This could be a challenge if I had any ambition. But in a world where reaction is considered as interpretation, where opinion and judgment replace thought, any ambition is a waste of time.


In the middle of the exhibition is installed a cube in which seven texts are exposed. Six of them coldly ask the question of our limit and our fatuity, which lead to the same result: there is no exit. A seventh is an excerpt from "Weather", the latest novel by Jenny Offill, an American writer, which is a form of conclusion to the whole exhibition.

When the visitor enters the box, the door disappears behind him. No exit.