
The new exhibition in the forest hall of the Carbone Studio is called "Masks". I wanted to explore our relationship to the mask, an object that dates back to the beginnings of mankind and that has gradually taken a prominent place in our postmodern lives.

I have chosen to avoid the sanitary mask or the gas mask, both of which illustrate our contemporary crises. It was too easy, not to say crude. I believe that it is much more important to ask the question of the masks that we do not see as masks : what hides our sight, our anxieties, our fears, our disgusts, what hides the real that we do not want to see.

Mascara - At the first rays of the sun that caressed their skin, they woke up with a start. The fire was almost out. Only a few embers still glowed among the ashes. They quickly added twigs, then wood to maintain the fire. 

Then they hugged each other. With her hands full of soot, she saw the black marks she was making on her man's body. Then, with her fingertips, she drew the outline of his eyes, then smeared half his face with the deep dark soot, laughing. He was beautiful and impressive like that, half man, half demon, half face black as night.

That day, the world separated from the earth.

Mask - . "If you want to say something and have people listen, then you have to wear a mask. If you want to be honest, then you have to live a lie." - Banksy

Masquerade - I couldn't help but ask him if he loves me. Of course I love you, what a question, he replied. From that moment on, the separation was consummated.

If animals don't express themselves through words, it's not because they can't speak, but because they don't need to. They are united, they love each other deeply, they embrace all life. We, we reflect ourselves in the mask of the other, we take ourselves for avatars, living gods. Witch ! Liar ! I have lost you ! I can't know anything about your feelings, your emotions, your thoughts, your imaginations. I can only see what you do, and when you do it, it's too late. We are always a step behind other living beings, blind behind our masks.