The forensic police are very clear : the farewell letter was written post-mortem.

Algesiras (Spain) - April 8, 2026 - Three days after the discovery of the lifeless body of Mrs. Consuelo S., a mysterious farewell letter appears at the foot of the marriage bed. The forensic police claim to have proof that this letter was written after her death.

Perfect murder or miracle? Since the indictment and imprisonment of Alessandro S., husband of Consuelo S., whose body was discovered dead in the living room of the family home, the suspect has not stopped claiming his innocence. The cause of death could not be clearly established. The theory of suicide seems to have been confirmed today, but in the strangest of ways.

After the police combed all the rooms of the couple's small suburban house, no clue could be found that pointed to murder. However, given the coldness of the husband, the testimonies that described a couple that had been tearing each other apart for more than a year, the suspect’s lack of an alibi, and the eagerness of the police not to waste too much time on a small murder case while the influx of African migrants was putting them under pressure, Alessandro S. was very quickly considered to be responsible for the crime. Perhaps too quickly.

Mystification or miracle ? Three days after the death of the victim, the police discover, at the foot of the couple's bed, a letter that had appeared post mortem, as evidenced by photographs of the crime scene. Graphological and scientific analysis of the letter confirms that it was written by the hand of Mrs. Consuelo S., after her death. If the police still suspect a murderer, such as a close friend or a unknown mistress, the content of the letter is disturbing. 



You know that I left in anger against you and the rest of the human race, and now, from where I find myself, I want to ask your forgiveness and to thank you. I do not regret my suicide, and I know that you are suffering from it now. Despite our disagreements, I love you. I love you, my handsome, my hero, my conqueror, my eternal optimist. But you failed to draw my eyes away from the street littered with corpses, from the sky choking with heat, from the dry and barren earth. My depression made me incompatible with this world, and that's why I left it, keeping your smile in my heart.

I wish to give you some news. I can't say that I am happy, but I am light. When I left, I saw my body separating from me and I floated alone in the living room. It was like I was a bird, and my body was my cage. Then I flew away, leaving it as an enigma. I flew through the thin layer of air on the earth, just the thickness of an onion peel. One is infinitely alone in this space, between once and elsewhere, but it’s a gentle, wise solitude. I did not expect that. I took a last glance at the earth, I saw these tiny excited beings that swarm there, that represent only one ten thousandth of the mass of the living and that devastate everything until they kill each other. Then I left our sun a microscopic ball in the dark. Further on, the galaxy sparkled with a hundred billion little bubbles like our sun, and I went even further, crossing the ether. There were still a hundred billion galaxies, tens of billions of living planets, all isolated, unique and diverse, some of them breathtakingly beautiful, and even stranger objects. And this enchantment is only one hundredth of what exists. I realized this when I arrived at the edge of the universe, where light and time have not yet reached.

My love, my conqueror, my man, give up. Look at you, struggling in vain. Only the care that you can lavish on another is worth the effort and the labor that you put into it. From where I stand, the powerful are paltry, but the carings are as rich as gods. I implore you, embrace each other, share what is just necessary, look at the sky from where you are. You will not have another chance to live on earth."

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