Life light

"Life light" is an exhibiton that will be open the whole month of February in the exhibition hall of The Carbone Studio.

Its theme is the link between light and life. Each of the paintings in this exhibition wishes to offer thanks for the privilege of being alive, for being separated from matter and light, generated by a cold and absolute dark womb.

We are the spectators of the inside of its sacrifice in countless elementary particles
dancing a mysterious choreography with a secret melody.
We are alive among life, pure beauty, sharp thoughts, fulfilling emotions, love.
We are the forever grateful gifts of nothingness.

Light and life are two strangely intertwined mysteries. In the beginning, the One, absolutely dark and cold, congeals into an original soup from which emerges the light that illuminates the world. Then, billions of years later, tiny floppy thingamabobs, by the grace of ingenious engineering, wriggle to the bottom of warm oceans, absorb shards of light to climb patiently the path of evolution and become living beings, sharp thoughts, brilliant ideas, beauty and art, love and observers of the world that created them. Why is there something rather than nothing? Why are we its spectators?

The pitiful spectacle of our ridiculous quarrels and vicious crimes, comfortably installed on a drifting world that we devour with greed to fill the near brain-death abyss maintained by our arrogance, hypnotized by our screens that spout our hiccups of hatred against ourselves, takes us away from the only reason for our existence, from the only purpose of creation: to love ourselves, the time of our ephemeral life, contemplating the unspeakable spectacle of the waltz of stars, of the secret melody of the ballet of life, of the sensual firework of light.