THE TRUTH ABOUT TREES | If trees could speak, what would they say to us ?

Trees of the forest could be God’s true chosen people. Trees have perpetuated creation by civilizing the deserts, bringing to earth an ecosystem lasting a half billion years in balance and open to all living beings. So why shouldn’t trees speak and write ? What is the language of trees ? What are they saying to us ?

Through 7 ultra-short short stories, like a puzzle or a pointillist painting, the reader can form an image of what could be the civilization of trees, their reflection and their moods on humans. You will find a Lagavulin-loving God, the meteor Oumuamua, and the olive tree already present in other short stories in Milena Carbone ’s book “Holy Gossip”.

At the end of the book, Milena Carbone reports an exact transcription of a dialogue between her and a friend from  Australia held in Second Life in 2019 and 2020 at the time of the worst bushfires experienced there.