faded faces

For more than a year, we have become accustomed to wearing masks. And the more we hide our emotions from others, the more sadness, fear and anger grow within us.

But this paper or fabric mask hides the mask we have been wearing for millennia. Smooth and smiling portraits, posed, placed in the palm of the other's hand to satisfy the norm and our concern for self-perfection.

“I took a rusty knife and scratched the surface of the icy virtual faces”

I've been taking pictures of over the past few months. Underneath were real faces, aged flesh, fetid smells, sorrows, long millennial stories of billions of human beings swarming and crawling on the face of the earth, perhaps looking for something that is missing: what the hell is missing? What are we missing so much? What makes us starve so?


I imagined a walk through nature, inhabited by men and their complex feelings and tortured by their social reality.

They forget their condition of being alive, their chance to be simply happy to be alive. They evolve in their frame, alone together.