Failing in the First Semester

Surviving the Semester and Beyond

The first semester in college can be tough.

It is a time of transition and learning in more ways than one.

If things were more difficult than you thought,

don't get discouraged.

Don't give up.

Others have had this experience, also.

There is help! 

Below are options you might have.

Contact your academic advisor or Support Services for assistance!


If you have issues preventing your completion of a class and you have completed 75% or more of the course, your instructor could give you an incomplete for the class.

(This needs to be put in place before the semester ends.)

IMPORTANT:  If a grade is not entered by your instructor by the end of a one-year period, the "I" will automatically be changed to an "F".  

Connect with Support Services to see what help you may receive to prevent the issues causing you problems in future classes.   304-534-7878


 Pierpont offers a great opportunity for students who may not have done well in one of their classes to repeat the class and earn a higher grade.  

Repeating a Course (Effective: August 2017)

Pierpont Community & Technical College enforces Series 22 of the West Virginia Council for Community & Technical Education as follows:

If a student earns a grade of “D” or “F” (including failures due to regular and/or irregular withdrawal) in any course taken no later than the semester or summer term during which the student attempts the sixtieth semester hour, and if that student repeats this course prior to the receipt of a degree, the original grade shall be disregarded and the grade earned when the course is repeated shall be used in determining his/her grade point average. The original grade shall not be deleted from the student’s record. Courses passed with a grade of “C” or better may not be legally repeated.

Grades for courses repeated more than once or repeats of courses attempted in semesters following the one in which the sixtieth hour was attempted will be used in determining grade point average.

Courses completed at Pierpont with a grade of “D” or “F” may be repeated at any recognized accredited higher institution, provided the course at the other institution is deemed an equivalent course by Pierpont and the above stipulations are met. Regularly enrolled students who complete work at another accredited institution must secure written permission from the registrar before attempting such coursework. The transfer grade policy will apply to these grades.

This information can be found in the 2022-2023 Student Handbook. 

Academic Appeals

An academic appeal is a procedure that allows you in certain circumstances to ask for a review of a decision relating to your academic progress or financial aid award. 

Click below for more information.

Academic Probation

Pierpont has an Academic Probation program, which gives students time to catch up.

 The status of Academic Probation is automatically applied to a student when the cumulative grade point average (GPA for all of the classes you have taken) falls below 2.0.

More information can be found in the 2022-2023 Student Handbook. 

Click Below for more information about GPA.

Academic Suspension

Pierpont has an Academic Suspension program that you as a student should be aware of.  This program is as follows:

The academic records of students on probation will be reviewed at the end of each regular semester with regard to Academic Suspension. The following guidelines will be used in the review.

Academic Suspension occurs when a student’s cumulative grade point average, based upon coursework taken at Pierpont, falls below the minimum required GPA in relation to the overall attempted institutional and transfer hours (listed below).

Credit Hours*                             GPA

        16-29                                        1.45

        30-59                                         1.75

          60 +                                           2.00

               * Attempted hours at Pierpont plus transfer credits

More information can be found on page 27  of the 2019-2020 Student Handbook. 

More Info About Academic Suspensions

Withdrawing From College

If you are having significant problems and cannot make up the work, you do have the option to withdraw from college for the semester.  

We encourage all students to speak with their instructors, academic advisor, and/or reach out to Support Services before making any decisions on withdrawing.  

To withdraw, contact your academic advisor or Pierpont's Student Services advisors.  They will:

Sierra Spitzer    304-362-8162  


Nancy Parks   304-367-4990  


Student Services 304-367-4907

Pierpont's Student Handbook

Pierpont's policies are in the Student Handbook.

If the link below does not connect, go to > Resources > scroll down to the section and click on Student Handbook

If you can't find something or need help, contact Pierpont Academic Affairs Department.