Planning Your Projects

Time & Task Management

A project is anything that takes effort and that has a beginning and an end. 

This includes planning an evening with friends (making sure you have transportation, money for dinner, etc.) and college class assignments. 

Project Planner - Steps

A simple way to plan your college projects is by creating a project planner.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Below is a Project Planner Sheet that is helpful in planning your projects.

If you would like to print a paper copy,

click below to access a PDF version.

Project Planner Sheet.pdf

Self-Help Video

Pierpont's Support Services - Learning Strategies 

This is not required to complete this module.

This video demonstrates how to break projects down into smaller, do-able pieces, including how to set deadlines for each piece.  This works for school, work, and personal projects.  

To watch the video,

click on the link below. 

This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

Pierpont's Task Management Video

Below are PDF options of transcripts of the video above Task Management

Table Version

Task Management Video Transcript Table.pdf

Story Version

Task Management Video Transcript Story Form.pdf
This is a picture of Pierpont's Learning Strategies website

This information is also found on the learning strategies website. > Current Students > Learning Strategies  -OR-

click below

This is not required to complete this module.