
Secrets of Success in College - Part 2

What is Self-Care & why does it matter?

Make time for yourself. You are important.

Self-care is any activity that we do on purpose to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. 

Although it seems pretty simple, it’s something we often overlook. 

Good self-care is key to a better mood and reduced anxiety,

 in addition to improving our performance in school and at work. 

It’s also essential for a good relationship with oneself and others.

Ways to Practice SELF-CARE

Although college can be one of the best experiences for students, many struggle with prioritizing their time to include self- care. 

While your academics are extremely important, don’t forget to create time to take care of you. 

When you can't take care of you, everything else suffers.

Below are 16 ways to help you practice self-care to prevent burnout, stress, and physical illness. 

1 Sleep-your body and brain need 6-8 hours of sleep every day to function properly heal and store information.  2 Diet - eat healthy regularly meals or snacks and drinks water daily to maintain energy and health.  3 Exercise - exercise can help decrease stress and depression levels and improve brain function.  4 Take breaks - when working or studying schedule 5-15 minutes breaks to give your brain a quick rest.  5 Journal - writing gets thoughts out of out heads and in front of this which gives us more objectivity for problem solving when needed.  6 Meditate - meditation is a great way to build self-awareness and helps to develop a stress management strategy.  7 Practice mindfulness - mindfulness is the awareness that comes from intentionally paying attention in the present moment with out judgment and it a wonderful stress buster.  8 Set realistic goals - set smart short-term and long-term goals for your self-care.  9 Connect - having relationships with positive supportive people helps put mental health.  10 Structure - keep up with your time management because finding time to everything prevents being late or forgetting things and reduces stress.  11 Use substances wisely - caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and other drugs can have negative effects on our body and brain in addition to creating issues with our relationship when overused.  12 Schedule plesant events for yourself - do nice things for yourself. Engage in activities that you enjoy including some that are soothing and relaxing.  13 Take time to listen & read - read or listen to a book for pleasure or listen to music.  14 Practice relaxation - sit or lie down comfortably in a quiet space. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in counting slowly to 5 while you breathe. Listen to a guided mediation on YouTube.  15 Hang out with positive people - attitudes can be contagious.  16 Ditch the tech - technology is helpful but everyone can use a break schedule times to put away the phone, table, or computer and other things.

If you would like to print a paper copy,

click below to access a PDF version.

Ways to Practice Self-Care.pdf

Create Your Self-Care Plan

Select Things That You Actually 

Want to Do and Will Do

Self-care should not be a chore. It should be enjoyable and energizing.

Ask yourself:

Use your answers to provide information about what self-care activities will work for you.  

Self-care TIPS

Don’t pick self-care things that don’t inspire or appeal to you

This might seem like common sense, but often people add things to their self-care plan things that they "should" do, but they don’t enjoy.

For example: Adding an exercise workout of walking on the treadmill to your self-care plan when you hate the treadmill isn’t helpful if you aren’t actually going to do it. 

A better alternative might be walking the dog or following along to a fitness dance video.

Take advantage of and plan for 

pockets of spare time

Have a long commute on the bus? Have extra time between classes? Did you arrive early for a doctor's appointment? 

Plan for and use found spare time to practice self-care.

You might use this time to:

Do it with a buddy  

If you find yourself putting things off, arrange to do the self-care activity with someone else.  

Maybe I am not feeling motivated to go to the gym, but my friend is meeting me there, and I don't want to disappoint my friend.

Be Mindful during your practices

Being mindful and present during your self-care practices helps you maximize the benefits by helping you stay connected to the experience.

"Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally, in the service of self-understanding and wisdom."

Jon Kabat-Zinn

You are more likely to feel more refreshed and happy after self-care if you are fully present for it. 

Meaning, focus on what you’re doing and leave your to-do list at the door.

Creating Self-Care Routines 

If you ever went to the kitchen to get a baggie and found yourself looking in the refrigerator for something to eat (kitchen equals food),

you know that humans are creatures of habit, just like dogs alerting you that it is dinner time.

Creating a self-care routine that you actually do at regular times helps create a habit.

Thinking of goal setting, make some long-term and short-term self-care goals for yourself.

Take some time to come up with self-care routines that you can do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. 

Search the internet for ideas or talk with your friends to see what they do.

You might also come up with routines to do when you are feeling sick or unmotivated.

Ask for help!

When you are experiencing something difficult or anticipate you might need help,

Connect with your Resources!

You are not alone in sometimes needing help - that is why Pierpont has resources. 

Student Resources

The Student Resources website contains information about Pierpont and resources in the community for all of the 13 counties Pierpont serves. 

Pierpont's Counseling Center

Pierpont provides counseling with a licensed professional to our students. It is covered by your fees, so there is no additional charge to you.

To make an appointment, contact


Disability Services

If you had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school or think you might have something psychological or physical that can interfere with your success in college classes, contact Pierpont's Disability Services Office.


Pierpont's Student Success

If a student is struggling in their classes for whatever reason, they are referred to Pierpont's Student Success department.  Students can also refer themselves for information.


Tutoring Services

Pierpont has in-person tutors at the ATC and Caperton Center.

We also provide online tutoring services through a link on your Blackboard (, Brainfuse).


 Jeffrey Noel (


Learning Strategies

Connect with the Learning Strategies website (link above) for information, to watch self-help videos, or Connect with a Coach for in-person help on topics like time management, note-taking, study skills, test-taking, organization, and more. 

Contact Support Services



Sometimes it feels like there is nothing else to do or nowhere to turn.

Don't Believe Your Feelings!

Help is available for you.

Click below to see your many resources for help!

Sexual Assault 

If you or someone you know has been physically or sexually assaulted, click below to learn about resources.

Bullying 101

Bullying can happen at school and work.


domestic violence

If you or someone you know is experiencing any type of violence at home, check these resources.