Planning for problems

Secrets for Success in College - Part 2

Thinking of Murphy's Law...

Murphy's Law Nothing is as easy as it looks everything takes longer than you expect if anything can go wrong it will go wrong ...and at the worst possible moment.

Putting a plan in place in advance 

can be a great help when things don't go as planned.

As you create your plans, think 

prevention and intervention.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


As you go over the topics in this module, think of things that might happen that could cause you problems.  Then problem-solve by thinking of your resources and what you can do in advance to prevent the problems.  


Focusing on the things you thought might cause you problems, problem-solve by thinking of your resources and what you can do if the problems actually happen and the preventions do not work 

Below is a worksheet that you can use to brainstorm your plans.

If you would like to print a paper copy,

click below to access a PDF version. 

Online Classes - Activity - Prevent and Itervention plans.pdf

Below is an example of how the form is filled out. 

•	Dealing with Murphy’s law. Prevention and intervention plans.  o	Topics include; Computer and internet. Effective online communication. Learning independently. Online study skills. Online time management. And navigating Blackboard.  o	Problem. My internet stops, and I don’t want it to stop when I am taking an online test. Intervention. If I am taking a test and the Internet stops, I will immediately contact my instructor at his email address. Prevention. I will take my online tests at my friend Kate’s house because she has great internet reception.  o	Problem. I might have trouble with a statistics class I am required to take, and I must get a C. Intervention. If I realize that my grade won’t be good enough, I will immediately connect with my instructor to discuss options and help. Prevention. I will sign up for and attend regular tutoring through Pierpont’s tutoring options.