Navigating BlackboarD

Secrets for Success in College - Part 1

what is Blackboard

Blackboard logo

Blackboard is a course management system used to facilitate communication between the instructor and students about the class. 

It is a computer program that all Pierpont instructors use to provide information, interact with their students, provide their syllabuses and assignments, and more.

Depending upon the instructor and type of class, Blackboard may be the main source of information for your class.

With that in mind, knowing how to use Blackboard is essential.  

Below are several informational and resource videos. 

For more information, contact Support Services.

Navigating Blackboard

How do I access Blackboard?

1. Go to

2. Click 'Portal'

Pierpont Website with 'Portal' highlighted

3. Enter your username (UCA) and Password - if you do not have this information, contact IT at

4. Click 'Continue'

Portal Sign In page

5. Click 'Blackboard'

Pierpont's Portal Dashboard with Blackboard highlighted

Blackboard Learn Ultra

When you log on to your Blackboard, this is what it looks like.

 This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

Pierpont's How to Access & Navigate Blackboard Video

NOTE:  Your classes will not show up in Blackboard until the first day of classes.

Below are PDF options of transcripts of the video above How to Access & Navigate Blackboard

Table Version

How to Access & Navigate Blackboard Transcript Table Form.pdf

Story Version

How to Access & Navigate Blackboard Transcript Story Form.pdf

Blackboard Learn App

Blackboard Learn App Icon

Students can download the Blackboard Learn app on their smartphones to keep up with homework and deadlines on the go!

The app contains the same features and functions listed in the first Blackboard video. Watch the video below for an App Tour.

Anthology Inc.'s: The Blackboard App Tour Video

Helpful Tip

Each instructor uses Blackboard differently.

For example, some put quizzes in a Quiz section.  Others put them into the Content section.

Some put assignments in their syllabus.  Others put them in the Blackboard Activities section.

As soon as your class begins and you have access to the class in Blackboard, look at the class in Blackboard and find where each of your instructors puts things for their class.

Make a note of that, so when you are in a hurry and memory fails you can find what you need. 

If you need some help with organizing all of this, contact Support Services for Learning Strategies and Connect with a Coach.

To access Blackboard, your student email, etc. you need to have your Student ID-username.  

If you do not have your Student ID-username yet, click below for information.

Blackboard Help Website

Below is Blackboard's resource for online help and app for students.  

Check it out so you know where to go when you have questions.  

Uploading PDFs, Word documents, Pictures, etc. to Blackboard

By now, you are becoming a pro at using Blackboard.  

Many classes want you to upload assignments to Blackboard.

Watch the video below to learn how to do that. 

 This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

Pierpont's Upload Assignments to Blackboard Video

Creating PDFs

If your class requires that you submit assignments to Blackboard in PDF format, and you wrote them in Word and are unsure how to make them a PDF, 

Click below for information.



If you have problems with Blackboard that your instructor cannot answer, 

contact Pierpont's Blackboard expert at:    304-534-7892