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Bill Paying Help

Picture of a section of the website Need Help Paying Bills.

Connect with financial resources to help with chronic health conditions, food, emergency assistance, and more. 

Community Resources

Your community may have emergency resources that may help in a time of need.

Free apps to help you manage your finances

 Mint; PocketGuard: You Need a Budget; Wally; and Goodbudget.

*Pierpont does not recommend any of these.  They are examples of what is available. 

Many people are working on improving their finances.  

For hints and tips, connect with...

Facebook:  Money Saving Mom; Money saving hints tips and ideas; money saving hacks; Money saving mama; and Money saving ideas.

Internet:  Google keys words like "personal budget" and "save money." 

*Pierpont does not recommend any of these.  They are examples of what is available.