The textbook required for Written English I (English 1104) & English II (English 1108) is Back to the Lake, 4th ed., edited by Thomas Cooley, published by Norton.
If you are in the 4-credit hour English 1104, you will also need to purchase an access code for InQuisitive.
InQuizitive is an online program with quizzes that combine interactive questions with game-like elements to review grammar and mechanics (e.g., word order, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).
If you purchase the book with the access code through Pierpont's Campus Store (bookstore), you can use your financial aid.
There are two options to get the book and access code:
Purchase the physical textbook with the InQuisitive code, or
Rent the digital book with the InQuisitive code.
The rental is good for one year because the same book is required in Written English II (1108).
A card with the code is included with the textbook when you buy or rent the book from Pierpont's Campus Storebookstore.
If you purchase a used copy or rent the textbook from another online vendor (like Amazon), you may still purchase the InQuisitive access code separately directly through the publisher's site using a credit card.
The code to access the InQuisitive exercises is printed on a card inside the book. This is an example of the card with the access code found in a book purchased from the bookstore. You will enter the access code into the book's publisher Norton's website.
Wait to register for or use the access code until you are in the course and are given more instructions by your instructor.