Monthly Calendars

Time & Task Management

Put it in your calendar

To prevent missing deadlines, appointments, and events, 

the best thing to do is 

to put everything into a monthly calendar

and keep the calendar updated.    

Paper Calendars vs. Phone Apps

Paper Calendar



Phone Apps



You can use both.

If you do, you need to remember to make changes to both.

setting up your semester

NOTE:  If your syllabuses (found in Blackboard) do not list dates or deadlines for assignments and tests, check other areas on your Blackboard under the course (ex., Course Content, Assignments, Quiz/Test, Discussions, Journals, etc.).  If you still cannot find the information, contact your instructor.

How to Find Pierpont's Academic Calendar

To find information about important college dates like when a semester starts and ends (5-, 8-, 10-, and 15-week classes), when breaks are, and more, go to... > Calendar 

This is a picture of Pierpont's website with a red arrow showing the link for Pierpont's Calendar.

Scroll to the list below the calendar and select the Academic Calendar for the current school year.

This is a picture of the Calendar page on Pierpont's website with red indicating links for the specific calendar years.

The link below will take you there. 

paper Calendar pages

If you want to use paper calendars but don't have them,

click the link below, which takes you to a website that creates calendar pages for free. 

Calendar and task apps for your phone and computer

If you prefer to use calendar and task apps for your phone, 

check the internet for information about free phone apps and 

YouTube for tutorials.   

Below is a link to Pierpont's Learning Strategies website which has information about 

some calendar and study apps our students found helpful.

Microsoft Office 365 - Outlook Email with a Calendar

Your college email, Outlook, has a calendar with it.

You can access this by computer, tablet, and phone. 

NOTE: If you use this, remember that when you graduate, you will lose access to your Outlook calendar.  

How to Access Your Outlook Email and Calendar

This is a picture of Pierpont's website with a red arrow pointing to the link for Pierpont's Portal.

To access your Outlook email and calendar go to Pierpont's portal.  

This is a picture of Pierpont's "sign in" page showing where to enter a username and password sections

When the Portal sign-in page comes up, enter your college UCA and your password.

If you don't have your your ID/UCA yet, click below for information.

Office 365 Icon

This will take you to a page with several items.  Click on Office 365.

List of apps with an arrow pointing to Outlook Icon

The next page is your Microsoft Office page.  You have access to several Microsoft products.

Click on Outlook.

Outlook Email with arrow pointing to calendar

This is your Pierpont Outlook email.

Click on the square next to the top left.

This takes you to your Outlook calendar. 

This is a picture of an Outlook Calendar page

This is your Outlook calendar.

self-help video

Pierpont's Support Services - Learning Strategies

For more information...

Check out the video at the link below for information about setting up your monthly calendars.

You do not need to watch the video to complete this module. 

This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

Pierpont's Time Management Monthly Calendar Video

Below are PDF options of transcripts of the video above Time Management Monthly Calendar

Table Version

Time Management Monthly Calendar Video Transcript Table.pdf

Story Version

Time Management Monthly Calendar Video Transcript Story Form.pdf
This is a picture of Pierpont's Learning Strategies website.

This information is also found on the learning strategies website. > Current Students > Learning Strategies  -OR-

click below

Going to the Learning Strategies website is not required to complete this module.