To-Do Lists

Time & Task Management

Our minds are where we hold the many things we have to do and more. 

The thoughts float around and sometimes get lost.

It can be helpful to get the thoughts out of our heads

and onto a to-do list. 

You don't want to forget to study for an exam that is worth 30% of your grade.

In college, some instructors will accept assignments that are turned in late.  Others do not.  

This can be more difficult if your class is online, as physically going to class can be a reminder.

It can be helpful to have a weekly reminder list that has things separated into days.  

You can see the entire week at one glance and can move things around.

Time Management 

Put time at the end or beginning of a week to look over your monthly calendars and assignments for the upcoming week-and-half or two weeks.

(You don't want to miss studying on Sunday for a test on Monday.)

Create a to-do list for that amount of time.

Like the calendars, you have options.

You can use a list on paper, on your phone - whatever works best for you. There are many free things available. 

Whichever you choose, it should be portable so you can check it regularly, crossing things off when they are completed.

Below are lists you can use,

or you can use something you already have, or you can use phone apps.

You also can search online by typing in "weekly to-do list."

For information about phone apps, click below to access the Learning Strategies website (this is not required to complete the module).

Below are a Homework Planner and to-do lists.

If you would like to print a paper copy,

click below to access a PDF version.

Weekly To-Do List.pdf
Prioritize-Daily to-do.pdf
Weekly To-Do List.pdf

Self-Help Videos

Pierpont's Support Services - Learning Strategies 

These are not required to complete this module.

Below are two videos to help on creating weekly and daily to-do lists. 

 This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

Pierpont's Weekly To-Do Lists Video

Below are PDF options of transcripts of the video above Pierpont's Weekly To-Do Lists

Table Version

Weekly To-Do Lists Video Transcript Table.pdf

Story Version

Weekly To-Do Lists Video Transcript Story Form.pdf
 This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

Pierpont's Daily To-Do Lists Video

Below are PDF options of transcripts of the video above Pierpont's Daily To-Do Lists

Table Version

Story Version

Daily To-Do Lists Video Transcript Table.pdf
Daily To-Do Lists Video Transcript Story Form.pdf
This is a picture of Pierpont's Learning Strategies website.

This information is also found on the learning strategies website. > Current Students > Learning Strategies  -OR-

click below

This is not required to complete this module.