Secrets For Success in College - Part 1

This is What Successful Students are Doing in Classes

-Module 1-

let's get started!

For information about this Module's objectives and how to get a certificate, click below. 

Pierpont’s Intro to College Steps to Success in College – One Small Step at a time 1.	Week before Classes - Check in •	Does your college email work? •	Set up times to check your email several times a day & before bed (use your phone alarm) •	Is your Blackboard access working? •	Are there any changes in your classes (check ROAR)? •	Where are your in-person classes located? •	Is your financial aid in order? •	Create your semester goals & put them where you can see them each day. •	Know how to connect with your resources (advising, tutoring, learning strategies, etc.). •	Check your tech – computer, internet 2.	1st Week of Class - Set up your semester •	Create your week planner (time management). •	Read through the syllabus for each of your classes (found on Blackboard) •	Make a notebook page for each class with information from the syllabus about: how to contact instructor, where to find assignments, etc. •	Create your monthly calendars with important dates, assignment deadlines, and tests/exams. •	Complete project planners for all of your large assignments. •	Purchase anything you need for class. •	Read assigned textbook and other weekly reading. 3.	2nd Week of Class - Check in •	Make sure you go to your classes and interact with your online assignments, so you are not dropped from a class for non-participation. •	Put in place your self-care plan •	See if the week planner works, and adjust if needed •	Start using your resources •	Read assigned textbook and other weekly reading 4.	2 Weeks before Midterms - Set up your studying •	Look over your classes and estimate how much time you will need to study for any midterms. Amend your week planner if needed. •	If you need help, set up a study group with classmates or schedule tutoring sessions. •	Check out Support Services Learning Strategies website for study and test-taking tips •	Keep up with your self-care. 5.	Week After Midterm - Check In •	Celebrate the half-way point! •	Take a break, relax and keep doing your self-care. •	Check your grades on Blackboard. If they are low, contact your instructors for advice. •	Connect with any resources that you need. 6.	To End of Semester – Continue using what works •	Keep up with your self-care •	Watch your grades •	Continue to open up to learning •	Register for the upcoming semester after talking with your advisor 7.	After the Semester – Review •	Celebrate the semester’s end! •	Take a break, relax and keep doing your self-care. •	Check your final grades and if you need help with anything, connect with your advisor & your resources •	Keep tabs with classmates and school friends. •	Enjoy this part of your life.

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Successful Students … Are Prepared •	Keep up on all readings, assignments, and activities. •	Read the material to be covered 24 hours before each class, so you are familiar with what will be taught. •	If you find yourself with limited time, at the very least skim the reading. •	Take notes on readings and lectures. •	Online Classes: Set up regular times to sit in front of the computer to do the work. •	Learn about project management and goal-setting to help your motivation. •	Learn how to manage your time effectively. … Communicate •	Connect with your instructors right away by asking questions and responding. •	Use your “polite speech” when talking in class or meeting with your instructor. •	Being business-like in your writing and how you interact with your instructors using email and messages is important. •	Successful student learn about their resources, seek help, and seek it quickly and often. … Study •	Spend at least two hours studying outside of class for every one hour of class time. •	Learn which study techniques work best for you. •	Regularly review class notes to improve your understanding.

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Successful Students PDF.pdf

Below are links to the subpages with the information in this module.

Computer & Printer Information

Learn how to print at Pierpont's locations and make PDFs from your computer or phone

Registering for Classes

Get the ins-and-outs of doing it correctly

How to Get your Student ID-Username (UCA)

To log in to access all things Pierpont


Find your class textbooks, online materials, and the Library

classroom expectations

Know what is expected of you

Connecting with Your Professors

Learn the do's and don'ts of talking to your professor

academic integrity

Know Your rights & responsibilities and how to make changes and get things done

Navigating Blackboard

Get a headstart on using Blackboard - Required of Students 

CLICK HERE - Navigating Blackboard

Microsoft Teams

Online Video Classes and Meetings

Campus Safety

Contact information for safety issues on Pierpont's campuses

Certificate of Completion Assessment

Module 1