Online Learning 

What You Need to Pass Your online Classes

-Module 4-

Let's Get Started!

For information about this Module's objectives and how to get a certificate, click below.

Are you considering taking online courses 


are you required to take an online class for your program? 

That's Great!

Some key advantages of online learning are: 

However, online learning can be more challenging than it may seem.

Online courses require just as much, if not more, time and energy as in-person classes. 

They also require computer skills and online learning strategies, in addition to reliable access to computer and internet resources in order to succeed.

If you do better with frequent and/or prompt interactions with an instructor or have challenges with time management or a specific subject (e.g., math, English), online or hybrid classes might not be the best choice for you.


You can connect with your resources and immediately work with Pierpont's tutoring services and Learning Strategies to help increase your skills, which will help you succeed in online classes.

Contact:   304-534-7878

Is Online Learning For You?

If you have a choice of taking a class either online or in-person, take time to see if online is the best way for you to learn.  Ask yourself...

 Pierpont's Resources

are available to all students taking online classes!

Tutoring, Learning Strategies, counseling, disability services, and more.

These can help with issues you may experience from the list above. 

Online students have access to all of the College's resources.

Connect with Support Services for information   304-534-7878

resource information

Computer & Internet -Knowledge and Access

Regular computer and internet access (resources) along with basic computer and Internet skills are important for success in online classes. 

Click below for more information.

Learning Independently

There is a part of Module 2 - Secrets for Success in College Part 2 about learning independently. 

 If you haven't read through that yet, click the link below to go there.


Skills are things that can be learned.  

Resources are things that you can find.

You can do this!

You Can Do It!

Important information

Know The Course Before You Register

Connect with a Pierpont advisor who can answer your questions and help you register for classes.

Sierra Spitzer   304-362-8162  


Nancy Parks   304-367-4990  


Student Services 304-367-4907

Check out the content of the program and the classes so you know what is expected.

When you register for your classes, if a Pierpont staff member is helping you, ask them if the class is online.

If you are registering for your classes yourself using Course Scheduler, it usually provides this information. 

Delivery, TBA, or Virtual On-Line Campus means that the class is online.  

Hybrid classes are part online and part in-person.  The in-person part can be in a campus classroom or on video.

To find out what classes need to be completed, check out your program in Pierpont's Catalog.

Click on Catalog on the menu listing across the top of the page.

This is a picture of Pierpont's website with a red arrow pointing to the link for to the Pierpont academic Catalog.

Click on Programs.

This is a picture of Pierpont's Catalog page with red indicating where to click on to search for programs.
This is a picture of the website page showing a name typed into the program section.
This is a picture of the Catalog Search page that lists all programs that meet the name that was entered.

While the general studies topic does not have "Required" in front of it like the Core Courses, but those classes are required, also. 

This is a picture of a section of a program page showing the classes that must be taken to graduate from the program.

How much time is involved in taking online classes?

"Just like in traditional classes, the workload varies – but don't expect your course to be easier just because it's online. Many online learners say they spend 15 to 20 hours a week on coursework. That workload, of course, may vary between full-time and part-time students," the difficulty of the course topic, and at student's familiarity with the topic prior to the class.,load%20likely%20means%20less%20study.


-Etiquette on the Internet-

Netiquette is a set of unofficial rules for good behavior and politeness followed by users of online and digital technologies such as the Internet, email, and chatrooms.,Internet%2C%20email%2C%20and%20chatrooms.

Since all of your interactions with instructors and fellow students will be online, learning the ins-and-outs of property interacting is important.

Click Below for more information.

bonus - More tips

Watching this video is not required for your certificate.

This is a picture showing what to click on to initiate close captioning (CC) and to make the video screen larger (full screen) or smaller.

Video Link

mindset check

This is for your practice. 

This does not need to be done to complete the module.

Certificate of Completion Assessment

Module 4

Pierpont's Support Services

-Office of Disability Services-

If you have a disability and are registered with Pierpont's Office of Disability Services, 

or if you have a disability and would like information

Contact:     304-534-7878

Some accommodations can be used for online classes.