Computer & Internet 

Knowledge and Access

Online Learning 

What Do You Need?

These are some things that are crucial for success in online classes.  

Assessing and filling your needs before you start online classes is key.  

- Regular access to a computer

You need to have regular times when you can use a computer or tablet for completing assignments and tests on time.

- Reliable, high speed internet service 

If your internet reception is spotty or crashes in the middle of a test, this can affect your grade.

-Basic computer & Internet skills 

Things like knowing how to upload an assignment are essential to passing classes.

If you need help with this, contact Support Services -

Common Computer requirements

Chrome and MacBook laptops:

For meetings:


Microsoft Office 365

As a Pierpont student, you have access to Microsoft Office 365 products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).  

You also can use Google programs associated with a Gmail account [ex., Docs, Sheets], as they can be downloaded into Microsoft Office products like Word or Excel.  

Click Below to connect through Pierpont's Portal.  


Students can use Pierpont printers.  For information about using Pierpont's printers, click below.

If you do not have a computer or internet, 

Pierpont can help!

Some Pierpont Campuses offer computer labs with computers for students to use.  

On most campuses, students can access free Wi-Fi using their own computers in the building or even in their cars.  

Check with your instructor or contact Student Services at   304-367-4907 

A computer that was manufactured recently should be able to handle any online school program. 

If you have questions, go to the Help section at the bottom of this page for resources. 

reliable Computer & Internet Access

If you do not have this at home or with friends or family, check out the resources below. 

Community Based Resources

Computer & Internet Access

To access a reliable computer and/or internet in your community, consider going to your local library.  

These resources are often free to the community, but may require you to sign up for a library card.  Some libraries even offer WiFi, so you can use your own laptop.  

To locate your local West Virginia Library click here below. 


Pierpont students can access EduRoam wherever it is available (e.g., public schools) throughout the State and across the Nation.  

For more information about EduRoam, click below.

WiFi Hot Spots

Internet Access

Wi-Fi Hot Spots are areas with a wireless network for anyone to use.

 These include places like local coffee shops or restaurants.  Sometimes you can even access their internet in their parking lots while in your car.  

Make sure to follow the safety tips below. 

Internet & computer safety tips

Accessing Campus or community WIFI makes life, work, and play a lot easier.  Take precautions before connecting so you can be safe while you use it. Create complex passwords  •	Make passwords at least eight characters long with numbers, letters, and symbols. Avoid common phrases or any words. Update regularly. Don’t share your password •	Just don’t. Don’t connect automatically to a network •	Some laptops and smartphones automatically connect to any available WIFI network. Disable this feature. Check out the network name •	Double check the WIFI network, including the spelling, before connecting. Share carefully •	When you are sure that the network is secure, it’s usually okay to share printers and files. When using public hotspots, don’t share anything. Use caution when using public computers •	Never save your password on any website. Always log out before leaving a website. Delete all files you may have downloaded or saved form the device.  Don’t co personal business •	Avoid checking your bank account, making online purchases, or viewing personal information.  Take care of your belongings      •	Never leave computers, smart devices, or anything unattended or with people you do not know, even in campus locations.

If you would like to print a paper copy,

click below to access a PDF version.

Computer & Internet Safety Tips.pdf


Computer & Internet Problems

If you have concerns about your computer/internet, want more information about computer safety, or if you have trouble with any of Pierpont's programs (ex., Cengage), your Pierpont email logons, connecting with, etc., contact Pierpont's Information Technology (IT) Department.  Email IT at:

You also can check with IT about hardware and software requirements for online classes, so you can make sure your own computer meets those requirements.  

Blackboard Problems

If you are experiencing problems with your Blackboard account (ex., logging in),  email Pierpont's Blackboard specialist at:


Back Up Everything!  

What if you’re working on an important research project, your computer crashes, and you lose everything right before the deadline? 

Regularly store your work safely on the cloud (like your Google Gmail drive or your Microsoft 365 OneDrive) or on a flash drive (or both) as you are working on it.

NOTE:  If you are using Microsoft 365 Word, Excel, or PowerPoint through the Portal, your work should be saved to OneDrive automatically.  Doublecheck to be sure.

Microsoft Office Programs

Most of Pierpont's programs require the completion of OFAD 1150, Computer Concepts and Applications. This class teaches word processing, spreadsheet, database, the Internet, and presentation software using Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint). Take that class right away. 

When you can use Microsoft programs, you understand the basics of most all other programs. You will only need to learn the differences between them.