
Apps that I have used on Android and Recommend. I also list if provides APK.

APK is essential as the Play Store is crap and unreliable as I have learned after purchasing a pinball app that got pulled even through the APK runs fine on Android 12.

My RG552 and some Android distros do NOT and CANNOT legally even use the play store.


Aida64 - hwInfo (aida64-v188.apk)


swiftp (be.ppareit.swiftp_free_30100.apk) Con no SD Card access for some reason.

WIFI FTP Server (Ads are OK from Play Store) This is better than swiftp since I can set root FTP folder to SD Card

Text Editor

Quick Edit (Play store) Love this app. I tried soooo many crappy ones that where bad. This one is awesome for local file system edits. Need to find apk for this.

APK Extractor (Play Store) this app can make an apk from any Play Store installed app. So we can get a safe version of app to put on other android devices. I had to use this to get Pinball moved to my new cell phone. This is one area where I like android over windows. We can make installs out of any installed app. cool.