01 Contents Unit 01Visual communication 1º ESO

Definition of communication

Communication is the exchange of information between an emitter and a receiver.

Visual Communication

Visual communication is different to oral communication because a message can be exchanged without words. We do the change of information with images. These images can be drawings, paintings, photographs, videos, etc

Elements of communication

There are 6 important elements to visual communication and communication in general.

Emitter This is the person or group that sends the message.

Receiver The person or group that receives the message and reacts to it!

Message What is being communicated from the emitter to the receiver.

Code Symbols or rules we use to transmit a message.

We can communicate with verbal language (words), musical language, gestures, or art. But... you have to make sure that both the emitter and receiver understand the language being used for the communication to work correctly.

Channel The manner in which the message is sent to the receiver.

In visual communication we can use art (paintings, sculptures) or technology media (television, cinema, photographs).

Context The social context in which the message is received – for example, a gesture we use commonly in Europe can be seen as rude in China.

1º ESO Unit 01 Visual communication Contents