Chase Bank background check for employment

Chase Bank background check for employment

Background Examinations offers a broad range of data services suitable to fulfill a number of needs. From looking into the neighbors to finding out about ourselves to find out if there's anything to take into account. The background check data sources are popular market leaders for public information, arrest checks, cell phone and address data, social media details, and much more. The objective is to enable the individual with the knowledge they want to make rapid & intelligent choices.

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Financial services firms are more stringent than nearly every other private-sector industry when it comes to pre-employment background checks. You're likely to be subjected to screenings for a criminal record, credit checks, education and work history verifications and even drug tests. Some red flags are career killers; others are more subject to interpretation and leniency if you’re honest and handle the situation correctly.

According to a survey by the Society of Human Resource Management, nearly half of employers conduct credit checks as part of background hiring investigations. To be sure, credit history is not the be-all and end-all of hiring. In fact, according to the survey, nearly all of the organizations that conduct credit background checks reported hiring a job candidate whose credit report contained information that "reflected negatively on his or her financial situation." The survey also found that credit checks are typically used at the end of the hiring process, with 91% being conducted "after a contingent job offer or job interview" and just 2% initiated before an interview occurs.

While lenders place strong emphasis on credit reports, Deblauwe says that it's only a small part of an employer's holistic evaluation. Your credit report could be a show-stopper, though, when what's on it causes doubt about your ability to handle and manage corporate assets, such as debt that went into collections or litigation. And unlike lenders, employers don't check credit scores, but they may access a comprehensive background report, such as the ones available on LexisNexis. Along with your credit history, it lists data such as your past employment, insurance and legal activity. You're entitled to one of these reports free per year, so if you're job hunting, pull the reports.

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