August 15, 2011

Post date: Aug 15, 2011 5:15:31 PM

Mid-August already. School starts here this week already. Bug starts pre-school next week. It's 3 hours each morning 5 days a week. I'm sure he will love it but it makes me sad that I won't be able to have him with me so easily anymore.

We have just one husky puppy left out of Suzie's litter. I just moved her outside today so she can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine until she goes to a new home. Seems so strange to have the barn completely empty. We are expecting a litter of bassets in two weeks but until then the barn will be quiet. It's a good time to do some major cleaning as we have had a busy spring and summer in there.

I feel compelled to mention how wonderful it was that so many of our new puppy owners are really taking the time to research the breed of puppy they are thinking of getting before they actually take one home. That tells me that getting a puppy is not an impulse purchase for them. Getting a puppy is a long term commitment that takes careful thought and planning. It gives me a good feeling to hear how people are taking puppy ownership seriously and with a lot of forethought.

It is very dry here. We have not had a good rain for almost a month and the crops are showing it. We are between summer and fall crops right now. The cucumbers, zucchini, and yellow squash did well but the lack of water made it a short season. I need to check out the pumpkin field and see how that is faring. That week of extremely high heat and humidity really took its toll on pollination of many crops. They can usually handle the hot days but when there is no reprieve through the night, that is really tough on plants.

We took the day off yesterday and went to the Iowa State Fair. That really is a great fair. I especially appreciate how the grand old buildings built during the WPA days have been saved and refurbished. They are just gorgeous.

It's just a relaxing get away for a day. We try to get there early when the crowd is lighter so by the time it's really getting packed in mid-afternoon, we are ready to head home.