Sunday, November 20, 2016
Post date: Nov 21, 2016 3:48:15 AM
We have wrapped up the pumpkin and squash season. Delivered the last squash to the stores on Friday just as the cold wave hit. After a difficult harvest with excessive rain, the rest of the fall season was beautiful. Tonnage was excellent, quality was better than expected. So just as the last pumpkins went down the road, we had the first of four litters of husky puppies on November 1, the second litter on November 4th, the third litter on November 6, and the last litter on November 7th. So things haven't exactly quieted down around here. We have a total of 29 husky puppies. All are beautiful, Moms are doing fine and looking good. Today we moved our 10 bee colonies home for the winter. They had been spread out in four different locations. Having them home in our yard makes it much easier to feed them when there is a break in the weather. Tonight I am posting pictures on our website of the first of the two litters of puppies.