Faculty Annual Report

You will be contacted when it is time for you to complete your annual report.

Tenure Stream Faculty (Faculty Evaluation Committee - FEC)

Tenure stream or tenured academics.  Reporting is based on the period of July 1 - June 30 annually

Faculty Annual Report (FAR) - due September 30 annually

Additionally, please complete the following:

Thinking of applying for promotion or tenure & promotion?  Tenure Track Promotions

Career Track Academic Teaching Staff (ATSEC- ATS Evaluation Committee)

ATS Contracts with no end date.  Reporting is based on the period of July 1 - June 30 annually

Faculty Annual Report (FAR) - due September 30 annually

Additionally, please complete the following:

Thinking of applying for promotion?  Here are the Academic Teaching Staff Evaluation Committee (ATSEC) Guidelines 

Term Academic Teaching Staff (Evaluated by Dean)

ATS Term contracts (FT or PT), T12 (FT or PT) with an end date.  Reporting is based on the previous academic year (July 1 - June 30) annually

Please complete the following:

Thinking of applying for promotion?  Here are the Academic Teaching Staff Evaluation Committee (ATSEC) Guidelines 

Page Owners: Tracy Zork