Community and Population Oral Health Research Fund (CPOHRF)

This fund supports initiatives directed at addressing oral health inequity issues facing individuals living in poverty and improving the oral health of vulnerable and underserved populations. The Rowland and Muriel Haryett Oral Health Community Engagement Fund (RMHOH) and the Oral Health for Children, Youth & Families Research Fund (OHCYFF) were combined to provide a large amount of funds for the research area. 

RMHOH is directed at improving the oral health of vulnerable and underserved populations, while the OHCYFF supports research focused on economically disadvantaged children, youth, and families in Alberta or Western Canada. 

The CPOHRF will have a two-step application process. An abstract or one-page summary of the project is submitted before the full application deadline. The abstract will help the adjudication committee understand and review the project's eligibility for the respective endowment funds. The adjudication chair will contact you within 2 weeks if there are any suggestions to ensure best the project aligns with the grant criteria. Please note that this notification will not guarantee that the project will be selected for funding. The governing allocation committee will make the final recommendation for funding, and decisions are final. The template to submit the abstract can be downloaded here. Send your abstracts to


Page Owner: Teena Ann Mathew