Let's Meet Susan Helwig

June 17, 2024

Susan Helwig, RDA

Clinic supervisor for the orthodontics graduate program

Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. How did you end up at the School of Dentistry?

In September 1996, I was hired part-time to work in the orthodontics graduate program as a registered dental assistant. This eventually evolved into a full-time position as the program grew in the number of students and patients. In 2009, I was the successful applicant for the clinic supervisor role. I work with a fantastic team of clinic supervisors under Dr. Lunardon's expert and supportive guidance.

What got you interested in oral health care?

I was working for a general dentist in my early 20s, at the time, I was not formally trained. I realized a career in dental assisting is a career that was of interest to me. I did my dental assisting training through NAIT's independent study program while continuing to work with the general dentist. Studying while working was a bit challenging, but I am glad I was able to have the opportunity.

Tell us about a moment in your career that you are particularly proud of.

I am proud to work with a team who are dedicated to their jobs and enjoy what they do.

Do you have any pets?

A part-time grand pup, Sammy a golden doodle.

What are your hobbies and passions?

I enjoy baking, reading and travelling. My husband and I enjoy travelling to new places and exploring the local culture.

What are three words to describe you?

Relaxed, reliable, pragmatic

What is your favourite song at the moment?

There is never one favorite song, there are too many good ones to narrow it down to just one. I enjoy most genre's.

A genie grants you one wish; what do you wish for?

Wow, that's not an easy question. A trip to a far away destination and travelling business class.

What is your favourite travel story?

One of my favorite trips was late August 2013, travelling to Italy for three weeks. We went to our first Formula 1 race in Monza. We toured around for a week, then went to the race and finished the trip in the Cinque Terre area. The areas of Italy we explored were interesting, the race was a lot of fun, it was something I had always wanted to attend and it did not disappoint.

What do you love about your profession the most?

Working with patients in the orthodontics graduate program over the years has been fun and interesting, patient interactions are one of the best parts of the day. Watching their orthodontic journey is fun, but watching personalities evolve is always an interesting journey.

What are the most interesting parts of your job?

Working with various teams and seeing how everything fits together to keep the clinics running smoothly.

What does a typical day for you look like?

There is rarely a typical day. The needs change constantly, being available to help keep the day running smoothly to meet patient and student needs is the main focus. There are always lots of administrative tasks to do, but supporting patient care needs is the priority.