Let's Meet Laura Lennox

June 27, 2024

Laura Lennox

Program coordinator with the continuing dental education (CDE) team

What are your hobbies and passions? Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. How did you end up at the School of Dentistry?

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family- enjoying time outside and discovering all of the activities this city has to offer. My son is now 2.5 years old and that keeps us very busy. It is such a joy watching the world thru his eyes. 

When I have a moment to myself, I enjoy decorating cakes, yoga and gardening. Peace and quiet are now appreciated more than ever, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

A genie grants you one wish; what do you wish for?

I think majority of people would agree that COVID-19 changed our world in a lot of ways, and if I had one wish from a genie it would be for my family's health. 

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

When I was little growing up in Montréal, I really wanted to be a part of Cirque du Soleil- they make it look so easy!

Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. How did you end up at the School of Dentistry?

When I was a little girl, I was enrolled in Girl Guides and part of the program was to visit different jobs that may spark an interest later in life. I remember every detail of the dental office we visited, I remember the assistant taking us around and showing us how to mix alginate. At 12 years old, I loved every moment of it and knew I wanted to go into dentistry. 

I graduated from NAIT in 2010 and worked in a number of offices before coming to the U of A periodontal program in 2018. I remember in 2010 when we attended the old Pharm/Dent building as a part of NAIT's practicum and I met the staff working here, I knew one day I would work on campus. I remember Lori, one of our RDAs telling me this was the place to be this is where you want to end up and in every job I took, I was upfront about my career goals and hopes of one day working for the U of A. 

What does a typical day for you look like?

Until you run a course for CDE, it's hard to imagine the work that goes into behind-the-scenes. When you show up to a course as a participant, it's easy to overlook the effort that goes into the nametags, the paperwork, the catering but there is a person responsible for every one of those details- and that's me and my team!

From managing participant questions, to scheduling instructors, to harassing Dr. Yacyshyn with a million questions, it really is a full-time job that keeps me on my toes. 

I love attending my courses and watching all of the puzzle pieces come together- that is where all the hard work pays off, and at the end of the course a huge weight is lifted and it is one of the greatest feelings this job has to offer.