Photography I

Do you feel like your experience in Photography I was successful? Explain.

I think my experience is Photo I was successful. I learned many photo-taking techniques, as well as very valuable photoshop experience. I learned so many new features, which I didn't use when I first started using it in 2D art. I'm very thankful for this knowledge and will definitely use it in the future.

What was the hardest thing for you in taking this course? How did you overcome this difficulty to be successful?

The hardest thing for me was getting inspiration for projects. Since covid was in full swing for the first half of this semester, AND it was early spring (no leaves, dead grass, always cloudy and cold) I struggled to find things to get inspired by. My family/friends weren't going anywhere interesting with covid, so I was stuck at home. I faced this problem by traveling where I could, Portland, in town Freeport, the harbor, to keep out my photographer block.

What was your favorite project this year? Why?

I really liked the surreal project. Even though life with covid isn't too exciting, in my photo me and my friends were on a boat, traveling through space. I liked choosing what techniques I wanted to use in photoshop, I enjoyed that freedom aspect.

What was your least favorite? Why?

I wasn't a huge fan of the Contemporary photography project. Most of the photographers I'm interested in are pretty young and don't have a lot of info about their lives online, which was what we needed for this project.

How has your understanding of photography (composition and technique) and your appreciation of photography (the work of other photographers) been impacted by this class? Be specific.

I really appreciate ads, movie covers, posters, etc I see that have been photoshopped. I now know that must have taken talent and a lot of time to make it flawless, it's not as simple as it looks.