Maine Duck Stamp

"Canada Geese Flying Over the Marsh"



For my Maine Duck Stamp, I chose to draw Canadian Geese. I used watercolor and colored pencil. I used the color pencil for highlights and for things that had to be very dark, like the head and neck. the watercolor was used for color and the background. I experimented by using the scientific technique, looking at several pictures more than usual to more accurately draw the goose. My project evolved from a light sketch to a colorful, detailed painting.

I used value to emphasize the shape of the goose and show the round body and where the wings bent. I used texture by including all the shapes and divots in the feathers. I created unity by adding the sunset.

The idea of this piece was to enter in the Duck Stamp competition, It doesn't really have a story because it was a very specific assignment. I'm not sure if I will end up entering it although—I had so much fun researching and drawing it but super realistic art like this isn't my strong suit. I'm proudest of drawing the wings, I think I did a pretty good job making them look realistic and proportional. I struggled with making the feet and belly feather pattern look normal although, but I focused on it and figured it out.