Abstract Shoe Drawings

Colorful Vans by Macy Jonsson


For my abstract shoe drawing I chose the 2B soft pencil and a 6B hard pencil for the shoe drawings. I used the 2B for sketching and outlining so it could be erased easily. I chose a harder pencil to clean up the lines and erased most of the sketch to purify them. Then for my final piece I used black sharpie, white sharpie and watercolor. I filled in the zoomed in version with purple, light and dark blue watercolor. Then I went over that with designs, alternating with my white and black sharpie. I experimented by using the line technique, using no shading. This made it hard to made the shoe look realistic. My project evolved from a sketch with defined lines to colorful designs.

I used lines, shapes, texture and patten to create my designs, and I used color, value and contrast by including the watercolor. I created emphasis by adding the white sharpie.

The idea of this piece is a bunch of random designs, It doesn't really have a story because there was not a whole lot of creativity in my mind when I started drawing. It doesn't really relate to my life except that I like the colors I used. I'm proudest of the designs, I think I did a pretty good job making them look interesting and proportional. I struggled with coming up with an idea, so when I finished painting with watercolor I was not sure what I was going to do with the rest of the picture. As you can see, I thought of something and drew it over the watercolor.