squiggle drawings

Chaise Lounge


This work was made by taking a squiggle drawing that someone else made and turning it into a drawing of a chair. I used colored pencils for all the color, and regular pencils for sketching and outlining it. the first thing I did to create this was a lot of thinking. What could I turn this squiggle into? Then, once I decided on a chair, I sketched the outline of it and the room that it is in. Once I had finished that, I drew in the details, texture and added darker lines. Next was coloring. After this, I finalized my project with shading and adding value to the color. My project evolved from looking pretty boring, to popping with colors.

In my art I used a variety of elements. I used lines on the chair and the room in the back, I used shapes in the rug and the windows and door, I used color to make my chair pop, and I used value to show shadows. I used texture on the chair's buttons and the hardwood floor, and I used space on the walls and floors to make the chaise pop. In this piece I also incorporated the principles of design. I contrasted the chair against it's background, putting emphasis on it, and used patterns on the rug and the chair's buttons.

I am proudest of the cushion on the chair and the chair frame. Although there was not an ideal amount of time or the materials to truly shade these and make them look more realistic, I think they turned out pretty good. I struggle I had was that the squiggle was placed higher up on the page then I'd like it to be, so there is lots of extra space on the bottom. So I added the wood floor (which I would fix because you cannot see it in the picture) to make it a little more busy.