SI #3

Part two: The skirt

My leading question for this series of projects was "how can I make fashion from entirely recycled materials." Unfortunately, I did have to buy a new item for this project, the tule. I didn't have 10 yards of tule sitting around my house but I did have most of the other materials. I've always wanted to make a giant tule skirt on one of my dresses, so I finally invested in tule. I will definitely reuse this, dye it, cut it up, etc. I like how this is a spin on traditional ball gowns, having an open corset and tule on top.

The first thing I did was dig out my mom's petticoat she used to use. Then I got my old bed sheet— I kept it because I knew it would use for something, and finally used it. I used black dye to get it to match my dress and layered it over the petticoat. I took the tule and pinned it to a piece of fabric which I used as a belt to cover the skirt. then I put a layer farther down because the fabric was spread too thin as the fabric went down.

I used tule, a petticoat, my old bed sheet, black dye, fabric from a thrifted dress to make my skirt. I then sewed it all together with my sewing machine. Anything too small to sew I glued, which I regret doing, but it got the job done.