Linear Perspective Shape Drawing





For my linear perspective drawings, I used the HB soft pencil and 6B hard pencil. I used the 2B for sketching the shapes and for the linear lines and vanishing point so it could be erased easily. I chose a harder pencil to clean up the lines and purified them. I experimented using the linear perspective technique by adding it to normal shapes to make them 3D and more realistic from what point they were at. My project shape evolved from a light sketch of 2D shapes to defined 3d shapes that had value. My room drawing evolved from a 2D room with 2D furniture to 3D furniture that looks proportional.

I used lines to emphasis show the perspective of the shapes. I used shapes and form to use the perspective technique. I kind of created unity by making my shapes Christmas themed. I created texture by making floorboards.

The idea of this piece is learning how to use linear perspective, It doesn't have a story because it was a very specific assignment, although it was so much fun to draw the room. it relates to my life because I love Christmas, so I incorporated my shape drawing. I'm most proud of the bottom shapes and how they turned out, I think I did a pretty good job making them look realistic and proportional. For the room drawing, I'm most proud of the couch and windows. I struggled with making my name look normal in my shape drawing although, some of the angles were tricky to make with a ruler, but asked for help and figured it out. For my room drawing, I struggled with drawing my chairs.