Creative Color Design Painting

For my creative color design painting I used 84 different colors of paint, paint brushes, and my color sheet . I used white paint to create tints for the 12 colors, and I used black paint to make shades of the 12 colors. I experimented using black and white paint to change every color and being able to use the hairdryer to dry the paint faster than usual. My project evolved from a light, unplanned sketch to a very colorful, busy painting.

I used lines, texture, movement and a LOT of color to create this painting. I used value, texture and color by including all the details of the ocean, flowers and the trees behind the car.

The idea of this piece is a california sunset from the view of a surfer, it was a very specific assignment so I had to add many other details to add more color. It relates to my life because I love Ford Broncos and California. I'm proudest of drawing the car, I think I did a pretty good job making them look realistic and proportional. I struggled with making the sunset look normal although, but I realized Acrylic paint dries really fast and doesn't blend very well .