second sustained investigation



For my Second sustained investigation, I chose to use oil paint for the face and acrylic for the background. I used oil for the face because I like how it blends together better than acrylic. I chose acrylic for the background so it would dry faster. For this project, we could choose any media and any subject, but they had to answer a question we came up with. My question was, "what media do I like best for portraits and on which surface?". I experimented by using oil paint for the first time. I had previously only used acrylic or watercolor, but I am really liking how the paint blends with each other. My project evolved from a light sketch to a colorful portrait.

I used color and value to make form by including all the highlights and shadows. I created emphasis by adding a blue background.

The idea of this piece is to try and answer my question, "what media do I like best for portraits and on which surface?". The girl in this picture is Ally Martin, a junior from Greely. Ally has a really interesting face, so I took a picture of her to paint. I'm proudest of drawing the eyes, I think I did a pretty good job making them look realistic and proportional. Like most of my portraits, I struggled with making her lips look normal, but I focused on it and I am happy with the outcome.