fourth sustained investigation



For my third sustained investigation, I used oil paint. This time although, I used a tiny 5x3 inch canvas to experiment which was very different as opposed to acrylic on canvas or oil on wood. I really liked the way the oil paint could cover the crevases in the canvas so much easier than acrylic. For this project, we could choose any media and any subject, but they had to answer a question we came up with. My question was, "what media do I like best for portraits and on which surface?". I experimented by using oil paint on canvas for the first time. I had previously only used acrylic or watercolor on canvas, but I am really liking how the paint blends with each other. My project evolved from a light sketch to a colorful portrait.

I used color and value to make form by including all the highlights and shadows. I created emphasis and contrast by making the background a neutral color.

The idea of this piece is to try and answer my question, "what media do I like best for portraits and on which surface?". This portrait was inspired by multiple pictures online, I like to get inspiration from Pinterest, but change them to be my own. (Although I'm sure something like this portrait has been done before.) I'm proudest of drawing the skin, I think I did a pretty good job of making the highlights a contour realistic. Like most of my portraits, I struggled with making her lips look normal, but I focused on it and I am happy with the outcome.