slab pots

For my slab pots, I made 6 pots, 2 mugs, one expresso cup, one bowl and 2 plates. I used almost every single tool for these, but I used the scraper tool and the slip for every piece. I also used the angle tool to create an angle on some of my pots. I chose a wide variety of glazes. This time, instead of making a coil or starting from a ball, we rolled out a slab of clay. I experimented by using the angle papers and making my own template. My project evolved from a bunch of slabs of clay to colorful pots.

The idea of this piece is making slab pots, It doesn't really have a story because it was a specific assignment. I'm proudest of creating my bowl, I really like the color and shape. it also took me the longest time to make. I think I did a pretty good job making it look smooth and proportional. I struggled with making my mug handles look and function normal although (they kept on falling off), but I focused on it and figured it out. I really liked this unit, and I am really happy with my pots.