Beautiful Oops

"Hot Air Balloons"

For my Beautiful Oops, I chose the 2B soft pencil, watercolor, and acrylic paint. I used the 2B for sketching and outlining so it could be erased easily. I chose watercolor to fill the background with loose color. I experimented by using the ink splatter that was already on the paper. It was the first two black hot air balloons. My project evolved from a light sketch to a colorful scene.

I used color to emphasize the forms of the land, and the give depth to the far hills. I used texture by including all the waves and cracks in the cliffs. I created unity by adding the tree in the front.

The idea of this piece is a couple of hot air balloons flying over the ocean in California. This relates to my life because my grandparents have a house In San Diego, and there are hot air balloons everywhere. The ink splots reminded me of them. I'm proudest of drawing the cliffs in the distance, I think I did a pretty good job making them look realistic and proportional. I struggled with making the tree in the front look normal although, but I focused on it and figured it out.