
For my portrait drawing, I chose the 2B, 4B, and a 6B pencil, a tortillon, a ruler and lots of erasers. I used the 2B for sketching and outlining my features and drawing the grid so it could be erased easily. I chose a softer pencil to shade and draw darker spots. I used the gridding technique by drawing a grid on my picture and my paper and then transferred what grid was on my picture, to what grip was on my paper. I also tried using a tortillon to shade and darken my pencil lines. I experimented by using the grid technique by looking at what was one single grid on my paper, rather than trying to just copy the drawing in my head. this made my drawing a lot more proportional and realistic. My project evolved from a light sketch with a grid around it, to a dark, shaded face with all levels of gray.

I used lines to emphasis the shape and highlights of the hair. I used texture and value by including all the shades in the greyscale everywhere. I created emphasis on the highlights of my face by erasing or shading lighter in those parts.

This relates to my life because it is my face in the drawing. I'm proudest of drawing my lips, I think I did a pretty good job making them look realistic and proportional. I struggled with making my eyes and eyelashes look normal although, I am missing the highlight in my eye. the eyes got better with some help, but are still not to my liking.