Tick Killing Robots

Tick Killing Robots

The Virginia Military Institute has been working on tick killing robots that use carbon dioxide to lure ticks to it that are then killed with permethrin. One benefit is the environment (your yard, public area). It isn't poisoned with the robot as it would be when spraying chemicals all over the place.

If all goes well they are thinking you could hire a pest control company to come in and treat your yard rather than having to purchase your own robot. Me? I’d want my own robot. I’d dress it up to look like me and use it as a decoy so I could go in the yard after it does with at least a 50/50 chance.

Update April 2017- VMI Engineers Team with USDA to Fight Ticks- By Mary Price

(Scroll about 1/2 way down this page to see article)


April 2017- Tick Rover Recovered (After Being Stolen)

(Scroll about 1/2 way down this page to see article)


June 19, 2013- Military robot deploys CO2 to lure ticks to their doom


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