Where Can I Find A Medical Professional

Who Will Treat Lyme Disease?

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If you were just bitten by a tick and/or have a rash or other symptoms you can print out the official treatment protocols linked below.

There are one page hand-outs you can take with you to your local doctor, emergency room or walk-in clinic. One link below has recommendations for treating children and the other is for treating adults. The sooner treatment is started, the better!

The link above is for a website that has a list of Lyme friendly doctors and health care professionals with their contact information included.

It also has links so you can find holistic doctors, chiropractors, chiropractic neurologists, naturopathics, speciality tick borne disease and other labs, alternative care providers, alternative dentists, acupuncture, those treating mold exposures, Morgellon's/Lyme and MTHFR.

Some providers offer Skype and/or phone services. Once at the doctor referral site, to find these providers please check the state listings or use the search bar (top right) and type in the word Skype.


Adult- Treatment Protocols

One-page Printable Document To Take To Your Local Doctor

Click HERE

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Children- Treatment Protocols

One-page Printable Document To Take To Your Local Doctor

Click HERE

We recommend you try to work with your current doctor for Lyme disease treatment. If you are not satisfied and wish to consider a second opinion with a doctor who specializes in treating tick-borne diseases, is a place to start with your search.

We are not medical professionals and cannot recommend a specific doctor, nor make any guarantees of any kind.