Task Force

Governor's Task Force on Lyme Disease


The Task Force is no longer meeting.

Their report was submitted.

The information below describes past efforts.


For latest updates on meeting times and locations*, click here.

*Note- information about the meetings is coming to us at the last minute, is incomplete, confusing and has not always been accurate. We suggest you contact the people listed on the press releases or the Governor's office to verify the accuracy of the information before making a trip to attend the meetings.


For Immediate Release

October 15, 2010

Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel Announces

Lyme Disease Task Force

RICHMOND – Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Dr. Bill Hazel,

today announced the creation of a task force to explore prevention and treatment of

Lyme disease. This taskforce will work to bring recommendations and information

to the Governor regarding Lyme disease and the diagnosis, prevention, public

education, medical treatment, and will also consider the impact of Lyme disease

on children.

Lyme disease is a bacterial illness, spread through the bite of an infected

blacklegged "deer tick," or Ixodes scapularis. This disease can cause severe

illness in humans. If untreated or not properly treated, some patients may

develop arthritis, neurological problems, and/or heart problems. Over the

past several years, reported cases of Lyme disease have been on the rise

in Virginia. The number of Lyme disease cases reported in the Commonwealth

in 2007 more than doubled from 2006. This growing burden of disease is due

in part to rapid suburbanization of previously rural areas. There is a need to

provide accurate and effective prevention messages. This growth in the number

of cases has sparked an increase in public interest and concern.

Speaking about the task force, Dr. Hazel commented, "Lyme disease is a

preventable illness, but there is a need and demand by the public for more

information about the disease. The Governor requested the creation of this

task force to address the increased prevalence of Lyme disease in Virginia.

I look forward to working with the task force to ensure the public is educated

about Lyme disease and the preventive steps that can be taken to avoid

Lyme disease."

In order to protect public health, it is imperative that medical providers be

kept abreast of new knowledge about how to prevent, diagnose and treat

this disease. Lyme disease is transmitted by a complex interaction among

ticks, animals such as deer and mice, and people. This interaction supports

the tick population and allows transmission of the bacterium that causes the

disease. Disease tracking is essential to understanding the burden of this

emerging infectious disease. Opportunities may exist for disease control

and prevention through wildlife management or wildlife treatment with

insecticides/biologicals for tick control.

# # #


Posted: 5:16 PM Oct 15, 2010

Task Force to Explore Lyme Disease Prevention Created

Richmond, Va.

Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Dr. Bill Hazel, announced Friday the creation of a task force to explore prevention and treatment of Lyme disease.

Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Dr. Bill Hazel, announced Friday the creation of a task force to explore prevention and treatment of Lyme disease.

This task force will work to bring recommendations and information to Gov. Bob McDonnell regarding Lyme disease and the diagnosis, prevention, public education, medical treatment and will also consider the impact of Lyme disease on children.

Lyme disease is a bacterial illness, spread through the bite of an infected blacklegged “deer tick,” or Ixodes scapularis. This disease can cause severe illness in humans. If untreated or not properly treated, some patients may develop arthritis, neurological problems, and/or heart problems.

Over the past several years, reported cases of Lyme disease have been on the rise in Virginia. The number of Lyme disease cases reported in the Commonwealth in 2007 more than doubled from 2006. This growing burden of disease is due in part to rapid suburbanization of previously rural areas.

There is a need to provide accurate and effective prevention messages. This growth in the number of cases has sparked an increase in public interest and concern.

Speaking about the task force, Hazel comments, “Lyme disease is a preventable illness, but there is a need and demand by the public for more information about the disease. The governor requested the creation of this task force to address the increased prevalence of Lyme disease in Virginia. I look forward to working with the task force to ensure the public is educated about Lyme disease and the preventive steps that can be taken to avoid Lyme disease.”

In order to protect public health, medical providers must be kept abreast of new knowledge about how to prevent, diagnose and treat this disease.

Lyme disease is transmitted by a complex interaction among ticks, animals such as deer and mice, and people. This interaction supports the tick population and allows transmission of the bacterium that causes the disease. Disease tracking is essential to understanding the burden of this emerging infectious disease.

Opportunities may exist for disease control and prevention through wildlife management or wildlife treatment with insecticides/biologicals for tick control.

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Virginia creates Lyme disease task force

The Associated Press

© October 15, 2010


Virginia health officials are creating a task force to explore prevention and treatment of Lyme disease.

Secretary of Health and Human Resources Bill Hazel announced the panel on Friday.

Officials say the task force will look at diagnosis, prevention, public education and medical treatment of Lyme disease as well as the impact of the disease on children. It will issue recommendations and information to Gov. Bob McDonnell.

Hazel said the governor requested the creation of this task force to address the increased prevalence of Lyme disease in Virginia.

Lyme disease is a bacterial illness that is spread through the bite of an infected blacklegged "deer tick."

The disease causes flulike symptoms and can be treated by antibiotics.
