VA HB 1284- 2016 Lyme Treatment

February 12, 2016

Good morning Delegate XXX & Staff,

Without any amendments, we would like you to support HB 1284 in its current language. It will have its objectors, but after being in the battle to get patients medical treatment over the past three decades and watching as many become chronically ill, disabled and die without it, we feel it is the right bill for our Virginia patients and their health care professionals.

The bill will provide options and choices for treatment when the disease has progressed and the “one-size-fits-all” early treatment fails. That is all we are asking for- to be able to utilize what has been proven to be medically sound, appropriate and approved by the experts without threat of having our lives turned upside down as has happened to many dedicated professionals and sick patients over the years.

Thank you for your anticipated support of HB 1284. If you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

And don’t forget, do a tick check!

Lucy Barnes, Director


Just Bitten or Need Prevention Tips?

Children With Lyme & Tick Borne Diseases


Sent to all Virginia House Members

More Information on HB 1284