May Drawings 2015

The May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month Prevention Contest was made possible in part by an educational grant from the national Lyme Disease Association.

To see the winning entries, please click here.

May Is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

Educational Drawing Contest

Grand Prize- $100.00

It is that time of year again- time to promote Lyme and tick borne disease awareness! To add some fun and excitement we are sponsoring a contest with a grand prize and 4 additional prizes to be awarded to the winners. It is simple, easy, free and fun to do.

Your participation will give you the satisfaction of doing your part to help others from experiencing what you have been through when dealing with Lyme and tick borne diseases.

See the instructions and rules below- and most of all HAVE FUN!

Official Rules

1. Only one picture can be submitted per email. All ages are welcome to submit entries. All pictures must be original, educational and factually accurate (according to ILADS guidelines). Entries must not contain questionable language, drawings, or be or promote anything of an illegal nature, etc.

2. Your picture must have a drawing that you designed (black and white only) and your entry must be created on the Draw Island website only (no exceptions)- - CLICK HERE The finished picture must be sent by email to

3. The main idea is to promote Lyme and tick borne disease awareness and your entry will be judged based on that and other criteria. Pictures from artists ages 2 through 122 will be judged together with all considerations taken.

4. You can use text in your picture, but it must have at least one substantial freehand pencil drawing also (such as a house, a hiker, a doctor, a flower, a person, etc.).

5. All entries must be submitted by midnight (Eastern Time) on Sunday, May 31, 2015. Please get yours done ASAP and encourage others to draw an educational picture to submit. We want YOU to promote Lyme and Tick Borne Disease Awareness, so please contact Scout groups, parks, electric company employees, neighbors, community groups, schools, and everyone you can think of and ask them to enter.

6. The email with your official drawing must include your Email Address, Name, City, State and County, and the screen name, if any, you want your picture listed under if it is posted online (for privacy reasons).

7. Please, please, please do not contact me to ask computer questions, drawing topic questions, about the rules, etc. or to share your comments. I love you all, but I am not a techy person and I do not have the good health, time and ability to keep up with what I hope will be many wonderful entries. (Thank you!)

8. Pictures will be judged the week after the deadline (May 31, 2015 at midnight- ET) by an independent panel of volunteers. The panel will not have the identification information of the people submitting the drawings. To note- your contact information or email address will not be used for any other purpose.

9. By submitting an entry you agree to allow it to be used at no charge/fee, etc. for educational purposes in all types of media. In other words, you relinquish your copyright for the material you submit for the contest.

10. Oh, and the fun part! A cash prize will be awarded to the grand prize winner. The 2nd through 5th place winners will receive gift certificates from various places- to be determined. Amounts are as follows. (If anyone wishes to donate to the `prize pot` we can reward additional artists for their efforts. Donors can pick a category.)

Grand Prize- $100.00 Cash

2nd Place- $50.00 gift certificate

3rd Place- $25.00 gift certificate

4th Place- $20.00 gift certificate

5th Place- $15.00 gift certificate

Here are a few sample pictures I drew while testing the website to give you an idea of what you can do- and hopefully you can do it much, much better!


Please check back here for regular updates- Number of entries-

Where the pictures came from- How they are looking and more!


For more no & low cost, and easy & fun

Ideas to help raise Lyme disease awareness...

Click Here!

Our thanks to the Lyme Disease Association for their contribution to the

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month Prevention Contest.

Lyme Disease Association, Inc.

PO Box 1438

Jackson, NJ 08527


732 938-7215 fax