2014 Price For Doxycycline Sky Rockets!
2014 Price For Doxycycline Sky Rockets!
Doxycycline is used as a first line defense for treating common tick borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Bartonella and Q-Fever. Some of these tick borne diseases can be fatal if not treated immediately.
With that in mind, you may want to focus on implementing more tick control and prevention methods, especially after you see what has happened to the price of Doxycycline, and that is IF it is even available when needed. Some pharmacies are already reporting they can not supply Doxycycline due to a shortage.
One Month of Doxycycline (150 mg. tab, 2 x day)
Per Pill Per Month
Doxy from India- $.31 $18.60
Doxy from Canada- $.58 $34.80
Doxy in the USA- $18.59 $1,155.40
*Prices vary from day to day, town to town, and pharmacy to pharmacy. A check of several pharmacies in the central Virginia area (Fredericksburg) during mid-March 2014, found the following high/low prices, with an average cost for Doxycycline of $706.20 per month.
Prescription- Doxycycline 150 mg. capsules- 2 per day- 30 days.
Lowest Price
Per Pill Per Month
$4.01 $240.60
Highest Price
Per Pill Per Month
$19.60 $1,170.00
Average Price
Per Pill Per Month
$11.77 $706.20
Additional Price Information
Doxycycline 100 mg. (lower dose) capsules- 2 per day- 30 days.
Per Pill- $2.67 Per Month- $160.00
Highest Price
Per Pill- $ 13.00 Per Month- $780.00
Average Price
Per Pill $7.81 Per Month- $470.00
Prevention Link- https://sites.google.com/site/virginialyme/prevention