News- Saved Posts

Most Recently Retired Headline News Is

On The Top Of This List

August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse

Virginia, DC, Maryland Events

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Jarisch-Herxheimer Reactions

Scientific Studies With Quotes

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Lyme Patients Rights

Trampled On Again

No Voice, No Choice

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Where Can I Find A Doctor

To Treat Lyme Disease?

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Free Online Interviews

21 Experts

My Healthy Child

July 20- 26, 2017

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Memorial Day & Every Day

We Do Remember You

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Dr. Charles R. Jones- Updates

June 2017

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Free Educational Literature

Click Here

Autism Awareness Day- NASCAR Race

Monster Mile, Dover Deleware

June 4, 2017

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Galaxy Lab Tests For 47 Species Of

Disease Causing Organisms

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Dr. Joseph Burrascano, Jr.

1993 Video (3 minutes)

Senate Testimony

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Dr. Richard Horowitz Sings

Lyme Song

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Does Chronic Lyme Disease Exist?

Three Minute Video By

Dr. Robert Bransfield

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New Study March 2017

Inflammation & Mood Illness

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DPT Vaccine Kills

5X More Children

Than It Protects

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New Book

Pre-Order Now For Discount

Dr. Horowitz

"How Can I Get Better?"

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Video Presentation

Information on Medical &

Psychiatric Symptoms

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President Obama Signs

21st Century Cures Act

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In Memory of 17 Year Old

Sarabeth Rose Hammond

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Munchausen's By Proxy

Too Many Parents

Falsely Accused &

Caught In This Trap

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Behavorial Changes &

Learning Challenges

In Children

New Article

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Borrelia Biofilms Detected

In Human Tissue

2016 Study

Dr. Eva Sapi, et al.


Pipeline Through Virginia

Increased Carbon Dioxide?

Increasing Tick Populations


Approximately 20 Different

Disease Causing Organisms


Recently In Ticks


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Tick Killing Robots

Virginia Military Institute


Lyme Sexual Transmission

November 2015


Put The Lyme In The Coconut

Spirochetes, Round Forms & Biofilms


Right is Right...

When You Are Wrong

You Are Dangerous!

Click Here


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