Chronic Lyme

IDSA's Dismissal of Chronic Lyme Disease

The Existence of Chronic Lyme Disease Proves

Their Treatment Recommendations Were WRONG!

IDSA Position- "It is not uncommon for patients treated for Lyme disease with a recommended 2 to 4 week course of antibiotics to have lingering symptoms of fatigue, pain, or joint and muscle aches at the time they finish treatment. In a small percentage of cases, these symptoms can last for more than 6 months. Although sometimes called "chronic Lyme disease," this condition is properly known as "Post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome" (PTLDS)." [AKA Treatment Failure!]

OUR POSITION- We call it what it is, CHRONIC Lyme disease. Other conditions that last for more than 6 months are referred to as "CHRONIC" and treated as the same disease the patient started with, so why not Lyme disease?

UPDATE- May 9, 2017 There is now an OFFICIAL definition of Chronic Lyme Disease. Link Here.


6 Minute Film About Biofilms

Biofilms & Cyst Forms

Biofilms in Human Tissue- Feb 2016- Dr. Eva Sapi

Chronic Lyme Denied

Chronic Lyme Exists- 2013 Study

Donta Chronic Lyme

Ember's Study

HOW/WHY Chronic Exists 2013

Johns Hopkins Continuing Denial of Chronic Lyme

Links to Articles

List of Antibiotics More Effective Than Standard Protocols

Persistence Articles- Bibliography

Persisting Cysts

Pre-Treatment With Enzymes Prevents Biofilms

Proof Chronic Lyme Exists

Sensible Pursuit of Answers

The Controversy

Treatment Guidelines

Chronic Lyme Disease Articles

Before the organism that causes Lyme disease was identified, it was understood by treating physicians that whatever was causing this mysterious tick-related illness was not a virus, it did react to antibiotic therapy, it could be serious (heart, neurological complications, erosion of bone) and it often required repeated courses of antibiotics in those who relapsed to see marked improvement.

"Named for the Connecticut town where the first identified cases occurred in 1972, this disorder has since been found elsewhere and may be caused by a virus transmitted by ticks. Attacks are often preceded by erythema chronicum migrans and are seldom prolonged, though they may recur. Symptomatic treatment only is advised, except in the rare instances of severe neurologic complications or myocardial conduction abnormality." (Steere, et al 1978)

"Clinical studies have documented the efficacy of antibiotics, but therapy has failed in as many as 50% of cases of chronic infection." (Luft, Datwyler, et al 1987)

Neurological complications were described in the literature in the 1980's (Halperin, Datwyler, et al) and were said to be caused by central nervous system infection. Additionally, Luft, et al published that the:

"...infectious process of Lyme disease can appear as chronic dermatologic, rheumatologic, or neurologic."

It was also discovered that the chronic illness would advance to later stages and could go undetected on tests (seronegative).

"We conclude that the presence of chronic Lyme disease cannot be excluded by the absence of antibodies against B. burgdorferi and that a specific T-cell blastogenic response to B. burgdorferi is evidence of infection in seronegative patients with clinical indications of chronic Lyme disease." (Dattwyler, et al)

Studies can be reviewed by clicking on the subpages below.

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